US 3X PVE client.connect

Biweekly Wipes

Custom Maps

3x Gathering

T1 BPs unlocked

Free Skinbox

Gifts for playtime


Night Vision to choose anytime of day you want (/nv 1-24)

Active Admins

Friendly Community

Max clan count 12

Black Market, Drug Mixing, Raidable Bases, NPC Raiders, Skill Tree with Prestige, Heli Signals and more!

Junk removed from loot

Convoy, Harbor, Water Event and more!

Starter Kits

Custom Bosses with custom amazing loot!

Server shop to spend your RP points

Remove tool to remove building blocks at any time

Vehicles spawn with /buy for your own personal mini, scrappy, attack heli, etc.

Furnace Splitter, Fast Craft, Fast Smelt and many other cool mods.

QoL mods